Violations of constraints

Detailed Description

A set of mixins which implement computation of violations of constraints based on the solution.


class  humoto::constraints::ViolationsComputationB0Mixin< t_Base >
 This mixin provides functionality for compuation of violations of the bounds. More...
class  humoto::constraints::ViolationsComputationBMixin< t_Base >
 This mixin provides functionality for compuation of violations of the bounds. More...
class  humoto::constraints::ViolationsComputationLMixin< t_Base >
 This mixin provides functionality for compuation of violations of the bounds. More...
class  humoto::constraints::ViolationsComputationLUMixin< t_Base >
 This mixin provides functionality for compuation of violations of the bounds. More...
class  humoto::constraints::ViolationsComputationUMixin< t_Base >
 This mixin provides functionality for compuation of violations of the bounds. More...