Netools | This namespace contains various functions operating on Eigen matrices and vectors |
▼Nhumoto | The root namespace of HuMoTo |
▼Nconfig | Namespace of classes related to configuration handling |
Nmsgpack | MessagePack bridge namespace |
Nyaml | YAML bridge namespace |
Nconstraints | |
Nkktsolver | |
Npepper_ik | |
Npepper_mpc | |
Nqpmad | |
Nqpoases | |
Nquadprogpp | |
Nrbdl | Interface for RBDL + additional functionality |
Nrigidbody | Namespace containing definitions related to rigid bodies and their motions |
Nwalking | Namespace containing definitions, which are specific to walking |
Nwpg04 |