►Netools | This namespace contains various functions operating on Eigen matrices and vectors |
CBlockKroneckerProductBase | Represents block kronecker product "Identity(size) [X] Matrix" |
CBlockKroneckerProductBase< t_MatrixType, 1, 1, MatrixSparsityType::LEFT_LOWER_TRIANGULAR > | Represents block kronecker product "Identity(size) [X] Matrix", without computing it explicitly |
CBlockKroneckerProductBase< t_MatrixType, 1, 1, t_sparsity_type > | Represents block kronecker product "Identity(size) [X] Matrix", without computing it explicitly |
CBlockKroneckerProductBase< t_MatrixType, t_block_rows_num, t_block_cols_num, MatrixSparsityType::LEFT_LOWER_TRIANGULAR > | Represents block kronecker product "Identity(size) [X] Matrix", without computing it explicitly |
CBlockMatrix | Block matrix, the raw matrix is stored inside (not a reference) |
CBlockMatrixAccessBase | Block matrix basic functions |
CBlockMatrixBase | Base class of a block matrix |
CBlockMatrixBase< t_MatrixType, 1, 1, MatrixSparsityType::LEFT_LOWER_TRIANGULAR > | Base class of a block matrix |
CBlockMatrixBase< t_MatrixType, t_block_rows_num, t_block_cols_num, MatrixSparsityType::DIAGONAL > | Base class of a block matrix |
CBlockMatrixBase< t_MatrixType, t_block_rows_num, t_block_cols_num, MatrixSparsityType::LEFT_LOWER_TRIANGULAR > | Base class of a block matrix |
CBlockMatrixInterface | Provides block interface for arbitrary Matrix without copying it. |
CBlockMatrixMap | Blocked access to an Eigen::Map. Quick hack – use with care |
CBlockMatrixSizeSpecificBase | Extra layer for handling of specific sizes of blocks using partial template specialization |
CBlockMatrixSizeSpecificBase< t_MatrixType, 1, 1 > | Extra layer for handling of specific sizes of blocks using partial template specialization |
CBlockMatrixSizeSpecificBase< t_MatrixType, MatrixBlockSizeType::DYNAMIC, MatrixBlockSizeType::DYNAMIC > | Extra layer for handling of specific sizes of blocks using partial template specialization |
CBlockMatrixSizeSpecificBase< t_MatrixType, MatrixBlockSizeType::DYNAMIC, t_block_cols_num > | Extra layer for handling of specific sizes of blocks using partial template specialization |
CBlockMatrixSizeSpecificBase< t_MatrixType, t_block_rows_num, MatrixBlockSizeType::DYNAMIC > | Extra layer for handling of specific sizes of blocks using partial template specialization |
CConstBlockMatrixInterface | Provides block interface for arbitrary Matrix without copying it |
CCrossProductMatrix | Skew-symmetric cross product matrix |
CDiagonalBlockKroneckerProduct | A shorthand class for a specific sparsity type. |
CDiagonalBlockMatrix | A shorthand class for a specific sparsity type. |
CGenericBlockKroneckerProduct | A shorthand class for a specific sparsity type |
CGenericBlockMatrix | A shorthand class for a specific sparsity type |
CLeftLowerTriangularBlockKroneckerProduct | A shorthand class for a specific sparsity type. |
CLeftLowerTriangularBlockMatrix | A shorthand class for a specific sparsity type. |
CMatrixBlockSizeType | Matrix block size type |
CMatrixSparsityType | Sparsity type of a matrix |
CSelectionMatrix | Selection matrix |
CTypeDecayed | Type modifier (drop reference and 'const') |
CTypeWithoutConst | Type modifier (drop reference 'const') |
CTypeWithoutConst< const T > | Type modifier (drop 'const') |
CTypeWithoutReference | Type modifier (drop reference &) |
CTypeWithoutReference< T & > | Type modifier (drop reference &) |
►Nhumoto | The root namespace of HuMoTo |
►Nconfig | Namespace of classes related to configuration handling |
►Nmsgpack | MessagePack bridge namespace |
CConfigurableBase | |
CReader | Configuration reader class |
CWriter | Configuration writer class |
►Nyaml | YAML bridge namespace |
CConfigurableBase | |
CReader | Configuration reader class |
CWriter | Configuration writer class |
CCommonConfigurableBase | Configurable base class |
CConfigurableBase | Default configurable base is strict |
CRelaxedConfigurableBase | |
CStrictConfigurableBase | |
►Nconstraints | |
CActiveSetDeterminationBMixin | This mixin provides functionality for determination of active constraints. |
CActiveSetDeterminationLMixin | This mixin provides functionality for determination of active constraints. |
CActiveSetDeterminationLUMixin | This mixin provides functionality for determination of active constraints |
CActiveSetDeterminationUMixin | This mixin provides functionality for determination of active constraints. |
CBodyAMixin | Mixin representing matrix 'A' in a general constraint |
CBodyASMixin | Mixin representing matrix 'A*S' in a general constraint |
CBodyGIMixin | Mixin representing matrix of indices 'I' and matrix of gains 'G' in a simple constraint |
CBodyIMixin | Mixin representing matrix of indices 'I' in a simple constraint |
CBoundsB0Mixin | Mixin representing vector 'b = 0' in an equality constraint |
CBoundsBMixin | Mixin representing vector 'b' in an equality constraint |
CBoundsLMixin | Mixin representing lower bound in an inequality constraint |
CBoundsLUMixin | Mixin representing upper bound in an inequality constraint |
CBoundsUMixin | Mixin representing upper bound in an inequality constraint |
CConstraintsAB | Constraints 'A*x = b' |
CConstraintsAB0 | Constraints 'A*x = 0' |
CConstraintsAL | Constraints 'lb <= A*x' |
CConstraintsALU | Constraints 'lb <= A*x <= ub' |
CConstraintsASB | Constraints 'A*S*x = b' |
CConstraintsASB0 | Constraints 'A*S*x = 0' |
CConstraintsASL | Constraints 'lb <= A*S*x' |
CConstraintsASLU | Constraints 'lb <= A*S*x <= ub' |
CConstraintsASU | Constraints 'A*S*x <= ub' |
CConstraintsAU | Constraints 'A*x <= ub' |
CConstraintsBase | Constraints abstract interface class |
CConstraintsGIB | Constraints 'G*x[I] = b' |
CConstraintsGIB0 | Constraints 'G*x[I] = 0' |
CConstraintsGIL | Constraints 'lb <= G * x[I]' |
CConstraintsGILU | Constraints 'lb <= G * x[I] <= ub' |
CConstraintsGIU | Constraints 'G * x[I] <= ub' |
CConstraintsIB | Constraints 'x[I] = b' |
CConstraintsIB0 | Constraints 'x[I] = 0' |
CConstraintsIL | Constraints 'lb <= x[I]' |
CConstraintsILU | Constraints 'lb <= x[I] <= ub' |
CConstraintsIU | Constraints 'x[I] <= ub' |
CConstraintType | Constraint type |
CContainerAB | Container for general equality constraints |
CContainerAL | Container for general onesided inequality constraints |
CContainerALU | Container for general inequality constraints |
CContainerBase | Constraints abstract interface class |
CContainerILU | Container for simple inequality constraints |
CCopyAnyToALUMixin | This mixin provides functionality for conversion of specific type of constraints to a certain container |
CCopyEqualityToABMixin | This mixin provides functionality for conversion of specific type of constraints to a certain container. |
CCopyLowerInequalityToALMixin | This mixin provides functionality for conversion of specific type of constraints to a certain container. |
CCopySimpleToILUMixin | This mixin provides functionality for conversion of specific type of constraints to a certain container. |
CCopyTwoSidedInequalityToALMixin | This mixin provides functionality for conversion of specific type of constraints to a certain container. |
CCopyUpperInequalityToALMixin | This mixin provides functionality for conversion of specific type of constraints to a certain container. |
CViolationsComputationB0Mixin | This mixin provides functionality for compuation of violations of the bounds. |
CViolationsComputationBMixin | This mixin provides functionality for compuation of violations of the bounds. |
CViolationsComputationLMixin | This mixin provides functionality for compuation of violations of the bounds. |
CViolationsComputationLUMixin | This mixin provides functionality for compuation of violations of the bounds |
CViolationsComputationUMixin | This mixin provides functionality for compuation of violations of the bounds. |
►Nkktsolver | |
CSolver | QP solver |
CSolverParameters | Parameters of the solver |
►Npepper_ik | |
CConfigurableOptimizationProblem | Class representing the hierarchy of the problem |
CGeneralizedCoordinates | State of the model |
►CModel | Model |
CConstraints | |
CSavedState | |
CModelDescription< ModelFeatures::FIXED_WHEELS|ModelFeatures::ROOT_PLANAR > | Specific model description (planar root joint) |
CModelDescription< ModelFeatures::FIXED_WHEELS|ModelFeatures::ROOT_TIBIA > | Specific model description (relocated root) |
CModelDescription< ModelFeatures::FIXED_WHEELS|ModelFeatures::ROOT_TORSO > | Specific model description (default model) |
CModelDescriptionBase< ModelFeatures::FIXED_WHEELS > | Base description class of models with fixed wheels |
CModelFeatures | Model features are used to define different versions of the model |
CMotionParameters | Desired motion parameters |
CRobotCommand | Stores robot command |
CTaskBaseCoMTracking | Base CoM tracking |
CTaskBaseCoMTracking< FIXED_WHEELS|ROOT_PLANAR > | Base CoM tracking |
CTaskBaseCoMTrackingBase | Base CoM tracking |
CTaskBaseOrientation | Base orientation |
CTaskBaseOrientation< FIXED_WHEELS|ROOT_PLANAR > | Base orientation |
CTaskBaseOrientationBase | Base orientation |
CTaskBodyCoMTracking | Body CoM tracking |
CTaskFixArms | Prevents motion of arms |
CTaskFixHead | Prevents motion of the head |
CTaskJointsBounds | Bound joint angles |
CTaskJointsReference | Maintain reference joint angles |
CTaskTagAngularVelocity | Tag angular velocity |
CTaskTagCompleteVelocity | Tag complete velocity (translational and rotational) |
CTaskTagOrientation | Tag orientation |
CTaskTagPose | Tag pose |
CTaskTagPose3Dof | Tag pose with 3dofs (around x axis, around y axis, along z axis) This task is used when moving the base using visual servoing |
CWBCParameters | Parameters of the WBC problem |
CWholeBodyController | Whole body controller |
►Npepper_mpc | |
CConfigurableOptimizationProblem | Class representing the hierarchy of the problem |
CModel | |
CModelState | |
CMotionMode | |
CMotionParameters | Parameters of the motion |
CMPCforMG | Model Predictive Control problem for walking pattern generation [determine_solution_structure.m, form_rotation_matrices.m, form_foot_pos_matrices.m, form_condensing_matrices.m] |
CMPCParameters | Parameters of the MPC problem |
CPreviewHorizon | Preview horizon of an MPC [form_preview_horizon.m] |
CPreviewHorizonInterval | A helper class defining one interval of a preview horizon |
CRobotParameters | Parameters of the motion |
CTaskBaseAccelerationBounds | Base acceleration bounding task |
CTaskBaseJerkMinimization | Base jerk minimization task |
CTaskBasePositionReference | Task for minimizing base position against base reference position |
CTaskBaseVelocityBounds | Task for bounding base velocity to a square |
CTaskBaseVelocityReference | Task for minimizing base velocity against base reference velocity |
CTaskBodyJerkMinimization | [task_cop.m] |
CTaskBodyPositionBounds | Task for bounding body position to a square |
CTaskBodyPositionReference | |
CTaskCoPCentering | Base and body jerk minimization task |
CTaskCoPPositionBounds | CoP position bounding task |
CTwoPointMassModel | Two Point Mass Model |
►Nqpmad | |
CSolution | Solution of a QP |
CSolver | QP solver |
►CSolverParameters | Parameters of the solver |
CQPmadParameters | |
►Nqpoases | |
CSolution | Solution of a QP |
CSolver | QP solver |
►CSolverParameters | Parameters of the solver |
CQPoasesParameters | |
►Nquadprogpp | |
CSolution | Solution of a QP |
CSolver | QP solver |
CSolverParameters | Parameters of the solver |
►Nrbdl | Interface for RBDL + additional functionality |
►CModel | Wraps RBDL model and provides additional functionality |
CJointData | Stores precomputed data for each joint |
CModelParameters | Parameters of the model |
CSpatialTransformWithoutRotation | Efficient spatial transform with identity rotation matrix |
CSpatialType | This class collects enums and methods to facilitate partial handling of spatial data, e.g., for discrimination of rotational, translational, and complete Jacobians |
CTagBase | Tag base class |
CTagCoM | CoM tag |
CTagLink | Link tag |
CTagPartialCoM | Partial CoM tag (subset of links) |
CTagPoint | Link point tag |
►Nrigidbody | Namespace containing definitions related to rigid bodies and their motions |
CCubicPolynomial1D | Class interpolating simple 1D cubic polynomial between two 1D points. Use this class to build more complex trajectories |
CEulerAngles | Types of Euler angles |
CPointMassState | Class that groups together parmeters related to a robot foot |
CRigidBodyPose | |
CRigidBodyState | Class that groups together parameters related to a robot foot |
CRotaryState | Class that groups together parameters related to a robot foot |
CTrajectoryEvaluationType | Type of interpolated trajectory |
CTripleIntegrator | Triple integrator class Class supports arbitrary number of integrators in the system |
►Nwalking | Namespace containing definitions, which are specific to walking |
CFootBoundsType | |
CPointMassModel6z | Point Mass Model with piece-wise constant CoP velocity |
►CRobotFootParameters | Parameters |
CLeftRightParameters | These parameters are defined for left and right foot/side |
CSimple3DFootTrajectory | Class implementing simple example foot trajectory between two 3D points |
CStance | Stance |
CStanceFiniteStateMachine | Finite state machine for walking. [initialize_contact_walk_fsm.m] |
CStanceFSMParameters | Class containing parameters of the stance finite state machine |
CStanceSubType | Possible stance subtypes of the model |
CStanceType | Possible stance types of the model |
►Nwpg04 | |
CConfigurableOptimizationProblem | Class representing the hierarchy of the problem |
CModel | [initialize_model.m] |
CModelState | |
CMPCforWPG | Model Predictive Control problem for walking pattern generation [determine_solution_structure.m, form_rotation_matrices.m, form_foot_pos_matrices.m, form_condensing_matrices.m] |
CMPCParameters | Parameters of an MPC problem. [set_parameters_mpc.m] |
CPreviewHorizon | Preview horizon of an MPC [form_preview_horizon.m] |
CPreviewHorizonInterval | A helper class defining one interval of a preview horizon |
CTaskCoMVelocity | [task_cvel.m] |
CTaskCoPBounds | [task_copbounds.m] |
CTaskCoPPosition | [task_cop.m] |
CTaskCoPVelocity | [task_dz.m] |
CTaskFootstepBounds | [task_footstepbounds.m] |
CTaskTerminalConstraint | Terminal constraint task |
CWalkParameters | Class containing options of the walking pattern generator |
CWalkState | A class representing a "state" of the walk |
CActiveSet | Active set corresponding to a hierarchy of Constraints |
CActiveSetConstraints | Active set corresponding to Constraints class |
CAngleIndex | Indices of RPY angles |
CAxisIndex | Index of an axis |
CConfigurableOptimizationProblem | Class representing the hierarchy of the problem |
CConstraintActivationType | Type of constraint activation |
CControlProblem | Abstract base class (for control problems) |
CControlProblemStatus | Status of control problem |
CGeneralTaskBaseMixin | General task mixin – should be used in building general tasks |
►CHierarchyLevel | This class represents one level of a hierarchy |
CTaskInfo | Information about a task in a hierarchy |
CLeftOrRight | This enum is used to handle symmetric objects (left / right foot etc) |
CLeftRightContainer | Container for two symmetric objects |
CLocation | Location of a data chunk (offset + length) |
CLogEntryName | Represents log entry name |
CLogger | Threaded logger: any data sent to this logger is wrapped in a message and pushed to a queue, the queue is processed in a separate thread. Hence, time consuming output does not delay execution of the main thread(s) |
CLoggerBase | Logger base class (stream handling) |
CLogMessage | Standard (with a name) log message |
CLogMessageBase | Virtual base class for representation of an enqueued log message |
CLogMessageRaw | Raw log message (without a name) |
CModel | Instances of this class are passed to a virtual method 'humoto::TaskBase::form()', so even though this class is basically useless in its present form we cannot avoid its definition using a template |
CModelState | Abstract class to be used for interfaces |
CMPC | Abstract base class for Model Predictive Control problems |
COctaveFormatter | A collection of functions which format data to be parsable by MATLAB/Octave |
COptimizationProblem | An optimization problem [initialize_stack.m, simulation_loop.m] |
CQPConstraints_AB | QP constraints container |
CQPConstraints_AB_AL | QP constraints container |
CQPConstraints_ILU_ALU | QP constraints container |
CQPObjective | A container for a QP Objective |
CQPProblem_AB | A QP problem with constraints of a specific type |
CQPProblem_AB_AL | A QP problem with constraints of a specific type |
CQPProblem_ILU_ALU | A QP problem with constraints of a specific type |
CQPProblemBase | QP problem base class |
CQPSolverMixin | Mixin solver interface (QP solver) |
CSimpleTaskBaseMixin | Simple task mixin – should be used in building general tasks |
CSolution | Container of the solution |
CSolutionStructure | Analog of 'sol_structure' struct in Octave code. [determine_solution_structure.m] |
CSolver | Base solver class |
CSolverGuessActiveSet | Solver class with active set guessing |
CSolverGuessActiveSetMixin | Mixin solver interface (active set guessing) |
CSolverGuessSolution | Solver class with solution guessing |
CSolverGuessSolutionActiveSet | Solver class with active set and solution guessing |
CSolverGuessSolutionActiveSetMixin | Mixin solver interface (active set and solution guessing) |
CSolverGuessSolutionMixin | Mixin solver interface (solution guessing) |
CSolverParametersBase | Parameters of a solver |
CSolverStatus | Return status of a solver |
CTaskAB | Task: A*x = b |
CTaskAB0 | Task: A*x = 0 |
CTaskAL | Task: lb <= A*x |
CTaskALU | Task: lb <= A*x <= ub |
CTaskASB | Task: A*S*x = b |
CTaskASB0 | Task: A*S*x = 0 |
CTaskASL | Task: lb <= A*S*x |
CTaskASLU | Task: lb <= A*S*x <= ub |
CTaskASU | Task: A*S*x <= ub |
CTaskAU | Task: A*x <= ub |
CTaskBase | Abstract base class (a task in a stack of tasks / hierarchy) |
CTaskGIB | Task: diag(G)*x[I] = b |
CTaskGIB0 | Task: diag(G)*x[I] = 0 |
CTaskGIL | Task: lb <= diag(G)*x[I] |
CTaskGILU | Task: lb <= diag(G)*x[I] <= ub |
CTaskGIU | Task: diag(G)*x[I] <= ub |
CTaskIB | Task: x[I] = b |
CTaskIB0 | Task: x[I] = 0 |
CTaskIL | Task: lb <= x[I] |
CTaskILU | Task: lb <= x[I] <= ub |
CTaskInfeasibleInequality | Infeasible inequality task for testing purposes |
CTaskIU | Task: x[I] <= ub |
CTaskZeroSelectedVariables | Same as humoto::TaskZeroVariables, but the variables need not to be continuous |
CTaskZeroVariables | [task_zerovars.m] Set given variables to zero, i.e. minimize these variables |
CTimer | Timer |
CViolations | Violations corresponding to a hierarchy of Constraints |
CViolationsConstraints | Violations corresponding to Constraints class |
CWeightedSimpleTaskBaseMixin | Simple task mixin – should be used in building general tasks |